Coming to a theater near you!
Worked hard this week, so Friday night was time for a movie! First checked out what's playing at the local Oaks and Albany Theaters (Wordplay sounds like fun.. but not just yet).. and then we saw Mission: Impossible III was at the Parkway Speakeasy Theater!
Never been there? You're in for a treat! Buy your Pizza, Beer, Popcorn (the basic food groups), stroll into the theater, and select your own personal couch and sidetable. It makes for a very comfortable night... take your shoes off, put them up on the sofa, and enjoy yourself! Like home.. only the screen the Egyptian Motif theater is huge! Have infants... then stop by Monday Nights for Baby Night..."Crying Babies At The Movies"
Coming to a theater near you? That's right. The same folks who host the Parkway Speakeasy Theater will be operating El Cerrito's Art Deco Suprise.. the Cerrito Theater!
Consider buying an El Cerrito home! You'll get a lot of home for your money. Here's what's for sale in El Cerrito this very moment.